Plug Approval : Plug Approval

World voltage & plug specifications

Asia Pacific, North America, Central & South America, Europe, Middle, East Africa

Plug type87c92c81f4b7c377a6e2f523e8ec1314_frt_yp11.jpgd1e440e38bdea7236e6503d21090cd20_frt_yp12.jpgd3730852785f528983c5c2f80ea1602d_frt_yp36.gifb927591467e70fadeef51ba95e3b5749_frt_yp35.gif192c6e53fe638a7f45406da13a824593_frt_yp21.jpg
Descriptioncategory A
125V, 2 flat blades
(Class II)
category B
2 flat blades with round ground pin (Class I)
category C
oblique flat blades
(Class II)
category D
oblique flat blades, with earth contact (Class I)
category E
2.5A to 10A 250V, 2 round pins without earthing contact (Class II)
category F
16A 250V, 2 round pins without earthing contact (Class II)
category G
16A 250V, 2 round pins with earth contact (Class I)
category H
Midle East type plug
category I
3 flat blades UK type plug
category J
220V, 2 flat blades
(China type plug)
category K
3 round pins plug in triangle pattern (6A)
category L
3 round pins plug in triangle pattern (16A)
category M
Swiss type plug
category N
Italy type plug
category O
Denmark type plug
category P
Israel type plug
Twist locking
type plug
Asia Pacific

CountryVoltageFrequency (Hz)Plug CategoryDescription
Australia240V50I3 flat blades (Australia AS3112): -35, -36
China220V50A  & I-02L, -03, -03L
Hong-Kong220V50G3 flat blades (UK BS1363): -60
Indonesia220V50C & FEuropean plugs (CEE7): -21, -22, -23
India230V50D & M3 flat / round blades UK standards: -60, -80
Japan100V50, 60A & BJapan JIS 8301 plugs
Korea220V50, 60C & FKorea KCS 8305: -21K, -22K -24K
Macau220V50HzC  & FEuropean plugs (CEE7): -21, -23
Malaysia230V50HzG3 flat blades (UK BS1363): -60, -61
New-Zealand220V50HzI3 flat blades (Australia AS3112): -35, -36
Philippines220V50HzFEuropean plug (CEE7/7): -21
Singapore220V50HzG3 flat blades (UK BS1363): -60, -61
Thailand220V50HzC &FEuropean plug (CEE7/7): -21, -23
Vietnam120/220V50HzA, B, C &Fvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
European plugs (CEE7): -21, -22, -23

North America

CountryVoltageFrequency (Hz)Plug CategoryDescription
Canada110V60A & Bvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
United States120V60A & Bvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin

Central & South America

CountryVoltageFrequency (Hz)Plug CategoryDescription
Mexico127V60A & Bvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
Nicaragua110V60A & Bvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
El Salvador110V60A & Bvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
Honduras110V60A & Bvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
Nicaragua110V60A & Bvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
Costa Rica110-120V60A & Bvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
Panama120V60A & Bvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
Dominican Rep.110V60A & Bvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
Columbia115V60A & Bvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
Venezuela110V60A & Bvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
Ecuador110V60A & Bvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
Brazil110V / 220V60Hz / 50HzC & JBrazilian standard NBR 14136: round pins
Peru110V / 220V60Hz / 50HzA, B & Fvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
Bolivia110V / 220V60Hz / 50HzA, B & Fvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
Paraguay220V50HzF2 round pins (CEE7): -21
Uruguay220V50HzF2 round pins (CEE7): -21
Argentina220V50HzI3 flat blades (IRAM): -37, -57
Chile220V50HzF & LEuropean plugs / Italy plug: -45


CountryVoltageFrequency (Hz)Plug CategoryDescription
Austria220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Belgium220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Czech Rep.220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Denmark220V50HzK, C & FEuropean plugs / Denmark plug: -26
Estonia220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Finland220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
France220V50HzE, C & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Germany220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Greece220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Hungary220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -22, -23, -24
Ireland220V50HzG3 flat blades (UK BS1363): -60, -61
Italy220-230V50HzL, C & FEuropean plugs / Italy plug: -45
Latvia220-240V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23
Luxembourg220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Netherlands220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Norway220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Poland220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Portugal220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Slovak Rep.220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Spain220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Sweden220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Switzerland220-224V50HzJ, C & FEuropean plugs / Swiss plug: -46
Turkey220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -24
Russia220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
United Kingdom220-240V50HzG3 flat blades (UK BS1363): -60, -61
Ukraine220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24

Middle East

CountryVoltageFrequency (Hz)Plug CategoryDescription
Bahrain220V50HzD & G3 round pins UK standard: -81 & -80
Dubai220V50HzFEuropean plugs: -24
Iran220V50HzCEuropean plugs: -21
Israel220-240V50HzC & HIsrael plugs: -47, -48
Jordan220V50HzG3 flat blades (UK BS1363): -60, -61
Kuwait220-240V50HzC & GEuropean plugs (CEE7) / UK plug (BS1363)
Lebanon220V50HzCEuropean plugs (CEE7/7): -21
Syria220V50HzC & LEuropean plugs / Italy plug: -45
Saudi Arabia127 & 220V60Hz / 50HzA, B & Gvertical flat blades without/with round ground pin
3 flat blades (UK BS1363): -60
Turkey220V50HzCEuropean plugs: -21, -24


CountryVoltageFrequency (Hz)Plug CategoryDescription
Algeria220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23
Burkina Faso220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -24
Cameroon220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23, -24
Chad220-250V50HzC, F &MEuropean plugs (CEE7) / UK plug (BS546)
Equatorial Guinea220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -24
Gabon220V50HzFEuropean plugs: -24
Gambia220V50HzG3 flat blades (UK BS1363): -60, -61
Ghana220V50HzC, D, & GEuropean plugs (CEE7/7) / UK plug ( BS546)
Malawi240V50HzG3 flat blades (UK BS1363): -60
Mauritius240V50HzC & GEuropean plugs (CEE7) / UK plug (BS1363)
Morocco220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22, -23
Nigeria230V50HzG3 flat blades (UK BS1363): -60, -61
Rep. South Africa220V50HzD & M3 round pins SABS standard: -81 & -80
Senegal220V50HzC & FEuropean plugs: -21, -22 , -23, -24
Swaziland220V50HzG3 flat blades (UK BS1363): -60, -61

Document download: World voltage & plug specifications

TAG: ,World voltage,plug specifications,Asia Pacific,North America,Central & South America,Europe,Middle,East Africa,